
How to Teach a Child to be thankful

Saying thank you to someone is important but it is more about being polite and showing gratitude towards people who help us in any way. Learning these things can help a child to learn important life skills and creates a healthy sense of balance. Teaching a kid about being thankful is not so easy. A school can help these children to learn several skills and encourage a student to learn lots of activities so that they can lead a successful life. A few things you can teach your child about gratitude that won’t take you too much time.

Model gratitude

If you like to teach your child to be grateful, then first set an example so that they can learn from their parents. If your child is helping you say thank you to them, they are a kid but they learn from observing things so simply say thank you when you mean it. Children always look to parents or elders to model their behavior so make sure you perform what you preach.

Create a ritual

The simplest way to include thankfulness or gratitude in your family’s daily life is to talk about it. Maybe at dinner or anytime, when everyone is discussing how was their day. This helps children to understand the value of being thankful or to think about some small effort done by their friends or maybe the teacher or anyone. Showing gratitude can encourage someone to perform more perfectly.

Say ‘thank you’

It’s about more than just having a good behavior attitude and manners. Showing gratitude can make us more sensitive towards others. When you feel genuinely grateful for anyone, just say thank you. Or you can write thank you notes; just say thank you in any way the main thing is to show your gratitude.

Find gratitude in darker times

When your family or anyone near you suffering through darker times, looking for a small piece of light. You can help them by staying with them. If you are feeling sick, and your brother or sister are helping you, You can be thankful for comfortable clothes and books were given by them. It doesn’t mean forgetting the bad or trying to gloss over it – just look for a tiny sliver of good in every moment.

Keep a journal

Some people feel hesitation for verbalizing their gratitude, so encourage your child to find another way he may write it or send him a message, or maybe a handwritten cute card will express your words. Encourage them to spend a couple of minutes each day writing about the best things that happened to them and don’t make them share them. It can be their own private space for expression.

Encouraging your child to convey their gratitude towards people who help them in anyways. When we take care of these small things and express our gratitude it can also strengthen relationships and also build some mindfulness into your day.

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