Exam Preparation tips

Exam Preparation tips for students to score above 90%

Students are often petrified by the term Examination. For some reason, there is an innate fear of exams in students as they have always been told that their marks will decide their future. Yet popular belief says that knowledge is more important than marks but your scores definitely show how serious you are about your education and how much effort you put in. If you are also someone who wants to do better in exams and shine out, here are some exam preparation tips that might help you to achieve better scores.

Keep your study space organized

t’s important to have a designated study space in your room as studying in the bed tends to make you lethargic and you find yourself feeling lazy and sleepy. You need to keep your study space organized. You can customize it according to your liking by installing things that inspire you, motivate you and cheer you up. Things that remind you to keep going and achieve better scores.

You can put up inspirational quotes, posters of people that are your role models, or certain emblems that motivate you.

Use the Pomodoro technique

If you experience a hard time focusing on studies for too long, The Pomodoro Technique is the best way to resolve your issue and help you prepare effectively for your examination.

The Pomodoro technique works like this:

  1. Pick a Subject/Book/Topic.
  2. Set the timer for 25 minutes.
  3. Study that topic until the timer rings.
  4. Take a short 5 minutes break.
  5. Repeat this cycle 4 times and then take a longer break for 15-20 mins.

This is one of those exam preparation tips which will help you manage your time, enhance your memory and help you achieve better scores.

Color code your notes

If you Color code your notes, it will save you the hassle of finding the important details at the last minute before your examination.

Color coding can work in different combinations according to the requirement.

For instance you can use:

Yellow for Important points.

Pink for Vocabulary.

Green for Names, dates, or places.

Blue for Theories and hypotheses.

This way you won’t have to spend hours fiddling around looking for particular information.

Keep old exam papers handy

The exam pattern might change every few years but there are some crucial chapters and questions which will always be of importance. 

These questions and topics are repeatedly asked in the question paper almost every year.

So to stay informed about what questions are repeatedly asked in the examination, you should really consider keeping

The exam pattern might change every few years but there are some crucial chapters and questions which will always be of importance. 

These questions and topics are repeatedly asked in the question paper almost every year.

So to stay informed about what questions are repeatedly asked in the examination, you should really consider keeping old exam papers handy.

You can ask a senior to help you with the old exam papers or you can buy them from a local stationary shop.

Snack on brain foods

Your food is a major part of your brain development and enhancement. Incorporating brain foods will help you memorize better and increase your retention rate.

Foods like: 

Fatty fish, Turmeric, Blueberries, Almonds, Broccoli, Coffee etc. should be included in your diet especially during examination time.

The Takeaway

Examination time can be a lot stressful but if we prepare for it and work on it day by day rather than cramming the whole thing in one night, not only we will score better but also understand and remember the concepts for a very very long time. The best exam preparation method to score better is to work through the syllabus as well as making smart decisions on your food and sleep schedule.
Be it examination or something else, self-care and responsibility are the key factors to achieve success.

(Also, Read: How Digital Technology Carries The Impact Over The CBSE Schools Near You?)

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