It is important for student life to experience leadership quality. During schooling, it is important to learn these skills to manage a team properly and build a connection with the team. Leadership quality is all about the art of influencing, motivating, and building a connection with others so that they can work together to achieve the desired goal of a team on large scale. During schooling, it is good for school-going children to experience leadership opportunities, to learn the art of building relationships within team members, for achieving tasks effectively, and for defining identities. It also provides an opportunity to manage a team properly, learn to display and effective communication and interpersonal qualities. AHPS has the best curriculum and a wonderful environment so that the students can achieve whatever their goal. Leadership begins in schools with identifying and understanding our values. A school is a place where a child can learn various skills and learn the value of self-esteem. Actually, Our values are our fundamental beliefs – those values we consider to be meaningful and desirable. In Academic heights public school, we believe all students or staff of our academy should be capable of exercising leadership in different contexts. The more leadership quality is encouraged, the more it will flourish.

The framework of leadership skills:-

  • Leadership in action

A school allows each student to show his or her leadership quality by managing a team in sports or any group activity.

  • Work hard

To become a good leader it is very important to work hard so that you can grow accordingly in the right direction.

  • Listen to the others

A good leader has to listen to each and every person to make a good decision and to make everyone feel important and valuable to encourage other team members to develop positivity as individuals.

  • Communicate their desires

Communication plays an important role to know the idea and suggestions of another team member.

  • Make the final decisions

A good leader will listen to all but takes a final decision without any biases.

  •  Encourage the others in their tasks

A leader will always encourage team members to achieve the desired goal with the help of team members.

  • Maintain a positive attitude

In any situation, a leader has to maintain peace and positivity within a team to maintain a positive and productive environment.

  • Take responsibility for the outcome of the project

A good leader will always take responsibility for his or her action and not blame others. If he is the leader he must have to take responsibility for the good and the bad.

These are very important aspects of a good leader:-

* Discipline

* Vision

* Communication

* Problem-solving and decision-making

* Resolving conflict

* Understanding and managing change Leadership is a skill is which helps throughout the life, AHPS allows and ensures all students have regular opportunities to catch up and strengthen their skills.

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