Co-curricular activities are those kinds of activities that go side by side along with academics studies. As academics, co-curricular activities are equally important for the right development of a child. Co-curricular activities are an essential part of school life which offers you to do something that you really enjoy. Co-curricular activities are all about creative thoughts and also getting better your social and organizational skills, knowing and improving your interests as well as your talents so that you can find out your best version and lead life successfully and gracefully. These activities support the academic curriculum and help in learning several things which make us more talented. A part from academics, co-curricular activities allow students to build up problem-solving, imagination, logical, crucial thinking, creative thinking, communication, and abilities as combined working and collaboration. Co-curricular activities in school are necessary such as singing, art, active play, or drama classes that students learn during the day. Other activities can be voluntary like participating in a school sports team, school debating on different topics, or student newsletter editorial column, etc. A part from academics, participation in cultural and other activities help students in emotional and mental development, development of social skill, and overall personal development.

Education plays a fundamental role in holistic development

As parents for the right growth and development of a child, we need a school because school is the best place for a child’s complete growth it gives them a chance to grow and develop in the right direction. Holistic development basically means academic, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and social development or we can say overall development which can be achieved only through good education. Co-curricular activities help a child to find out activities that he really wanted to do while holistic development of students helps out in developing crucial skills and ability to be successful and happier throughout life. Thus, the importance of co-curricular activities is huge during gaining education in school or college. With the demand for advanced technology and education methods changing, parents have become more aware and interested in the engagement of their children in almost all facets of learning. Good parenting or we can say finding time for the child is very much important for holistic development. Right from the very beginning, the school allows a child to be exposed to a variety of gaming, art, and other activities that allow him or her to learn new things. The overall holistic development of a child in pre-schools has become a necessity just because of the beginning of the new technology and teaching methods. That is why the holistic development of students at primary school and secondary schools has become important.

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