Do you know that the number of smart schools in our country is increasing tremendously? Now, what is a smart school and why such schools are gaining so much popularity amongst the parents, researchers, and the government are good questions to discuss. You must also be wanting to know how a smart school benefits the progress of children in this dynamic century that we all are living in. Let’s get started.

What is a smart school?

smart school is different from traditional schools that are based on classroom teaching and learning. And if asked to define smart schools in one word, it would be Technology.

Technology is the essence of smart schools. Smart classrooms with projectors/whiteboards are just a part of the technology-based teaching and learning that a smart school facilitates. Some of the other learning technologies are K-12 learning app, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Robotics Lab.

Any public school (which are private schools, in reality, if we go into the way they operate) that is equipped with such learning technologies is to be considered a smart school.

What are the benefits that smart schools come along with?

We all are witnesses to the impact of our technological and the digital 21st century. Tech-based learning is more or less the product of this rapid-paced century. Conversely, we may even say that this century is driven by tech-based learning that is emerging at a rapid pace.

Every public school nowadays is set upon becoming a smart school for varied reasons. They are launching their own K-12 learning app and other innovations, thereby creating their USPs as well as evolving the smartness of classrooms and schools in general.

So, right—Here are the benefits of smart school for Childrens in a primary, middle, or higher secondary school :

  • Because smart classes incorporate the use of gadgets such as tabs, students in any 10+2 school near you have easy access to a lot of information at hand (of course, provided that the school is a smart school).
  • Visual aids such as PowerPoint presentations, online quizzes, puzzles, and video screenings tend to make the 10+2 school classrooms more interactive and impactful.
  • Such schools help to bridge the gap between teachers and students and make the learning resources more easily accessible.
  • The dynamic learning environment that smart schools provide helps to increase the students’ power to retain learning for a long time.
  • Complex concepts are simplified by way of Virtual Reality and such, so school children get to have a fun-filled learning.
  • Technology saves time and effort in note-making, so school children can easily record lectures and get digital notes from the teachers.
  • Tech-driven learning increases productivity and improves grades.
  • Parental Invovement in the learning of their children also becomes easy through apps, etc.

Smart schools not only benefit the students but the environment too in some ways. It’s because a considerable amount of paperwork gets reduced due to everything online for teachers and the school staff as well as students.

Also, because much of the learning and school operations happen online, children can learn at their own pace from anywhere and at any time.

Considering all these benefits, smart schools are worth a try, isn’t it?

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