There are so many ways to describe a good student. The most common terms are hardworking, being good in academics, submitting work on time, being regular, participating in-class activities, and achieving high grades. Apart from academics, there are some more qualities which make a student good. Somehow we can figure out some more qualities like an ideal student is someone who uses their time helping other students and always is disciplined to make a difference in their school. 

Self-discipline – To be disciplined means obey all the rules and regulations or values of behavior. If you perform and train yourself in a disciplined manner it will give you a new height of achievements and success in life. Self-discipline helps us to improve our personality and it gives us more chances to grow immensely.

Determined – A student must be determined towards his or her academics or anything any work allotted to him either by parents or teachers.

Punctual – For students time is more precious than money or anything. Punctuality ensures that nothing is missed they are going through every lesson. Being punctual as a student is a very important part of a student’s life because it makes everything easier and it saves your time.

Courteous. – Courtesy is a very crucial thing in student life one they understand to behave with courtesy and manner they will gain a lot of respect automatically. Students should be respectful no matters they are parents or teachers or maybe their classmates or anyone. They have to learn this if they will give respect then in terms of reply they will gain respect and love.

Team player – Everyone is unique in his or her own style, performing individually is not a big deal but to perform in a team or being caring for the team is a great thing. It teaches us essential communication, actively learning to listen and speak.

Confident – To be confident is very important in anyone’s life especially in childrens’ life because they are learning step by step and they have to deal with lots of things. Self-esteem helps a student to choose the right and healthy choices to achieve their goals easily.

Responsible – Students should learn to take responsibility for their actions that will make them responsible and confident throughout life. Now they are not preschooler they have to understand this fact that everyone make mistake in their life. Making mistakes is no big deal the important thing is to take responsibility for their action instead of blaming others. A school is a perfect place for a child to grow socially, mentally, and academically to lead a successful life.

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