Ethics is a complicated area that deals with morality, as to what is right conduct and what is wrong conduct. There are no hard-and-fast principles that apply in all contexts and situations because morality and ethics are generally subjective, and one principle might not apply if there is another context we find ourselves in. Teaching ethics in school thus becomes significant.

The Role of Ethics in Society and Child Development

Children are not born with the idea of what is right and what is wrong. All parents want their children to be kind, caring, compassionate, truthful, honest, empathic, compassionate, patient, optimistic, and everything that is associated with being “good”. But what do they need to do to instil these traits in children? How can school education help in achieving that goal?

The importance of teaching ethics in school comes not only from these much-desired traits in children, but also from the knowledge that today’s children will be tomorrow’s responsible citizens who will be directing the path our society and nation progress upon.

School education, as well as parenting, plays a pivotal role in bringing out positive results in this direction. The role of ethics in society goes a long way as does teaching ethics in school.

When ethical principles and moral values are ingrained in kids from the very beginning, it becomes their habit rather than something like an obligation that burdens them now and then.

There will be low cases of peer pressure, bullying, discrimination, stealing, lying, insensitivity, and everything that is associated with not being a good human. Ethics teaches us compassion and also makes us good decision-makers.

The Role of Ethics in Daily Life

Decision-making does not come easy. There are numerous confusions that we face in real life and numerous little decisions that we make from one moment to another moment. These little decisions impact our minds in indescribable ways. If we as adults can be unsure oftentimes about what life brings to us, it is going to be too much for children who are just starting on their journey.

The role of ethics in daily life is huge. Whether to tell the teacher about our best friend who is cheating in a contest, whether to put one’s self-respect above another person’s rude behaviour due to personal problems they are facing, whether to share someone else’s secret with one’s close friend—we grapple with decisions like these from time to time.

Good parenting and school education are important to teach children about ethical behaviour in such situations.

How to Instil Ethical Values in Children

For kids, teaching ethics in school and at home is a good combination. Considering the role of ethics in society and daily life, here are important steps that both teachers and parents can take towards instilling ethical values in children:

  • The group of schools in India and parents should make it a point that children are informed about right and wrong behaviour from time to time.
  • Teachers and parents should be the role models and involve kids in decision-making and encourage kids to make the right decisions for themselves.
  • Rewards should not be given for usual acts of kindness so that children know that ethical behaviour is something that is expected from them and not something that should be performed to get rewards.
  • Personal time and attention should be given to children and their concerns.
  • The role of ethics in daily life should not be disregarded by the group of schools in India and teachers should try to address concerns that might be affecting children, even though those concerns go beyond academics (such as a fight with peers).
  • Parents should make sure that they involve children in generous acts and appreciate them for going out of the way to help someone.

Love, appreciation, and healthy discussions can help you instil ethical values in children more easily. Children are trying to figure out things for themselves. Your guidance is all they need besides the ethics that they learn at school.

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