Your home is the first place where the child learns their first lesson. Children spent most of their time with their parents and they are great observers they learn by observing things because they notice you’re every action, it may possible they will not react but they notice everything. Because they are growing day by day you should take care of your language behavior in front of them and the conversation. Good parenting plays an important role in raising a child as a successful human being and a happy person in life. Learning starts with wake up in the morning and ends with school hours as it is an ongoing process in a student’s life, with the support of technology in early childhood, kids can find out their own ways of exploring and learning. This is where; parents have a crucial role in guiding the kid for the right use of technology in this digital age. Good parenting is very important for a child’s development. Parenting takes many different procedures. However, some positive parenting practices work well across various families and in diverse settings when providing the care that children need to be happy and healthy and to grow and develop in the right direction. Parents should some Spend more time with children, to encourage them, and be in touch with their school management and teachers, help them in getting their homework’s done and provide them a comfortable learning environment; you all must be knowing this but there are many technological resources which help you in creating a beautiful future for your child’s education.

The curriculum is not about books and the syllabus only but we focus on the child’s overall development, learning and practicing core subjects, personality development proper uses of language, and the right way of conversation. All teachers at Academic Heights public school are well-trained and best. If you wanted to raise your kid perfectly then school and parents have to go side by side so that together we can help them. At this stage their life, and the way they think everything is changing very fastly. They wanted to know about many things, their curiosity about the world around them helps to put up concepts, skills, emotions, language, and understanding of the unknown things around them, and you can help or guide their curiosity and need to know why so that you help positively encourage learning. We should perform each task that can grow our children in the right direction and prepare them to live happily throughout life. As a parent or a family member, it’s our responsibility to listen then calmly, we cannot order them just because they are kids they also want and deserve explanations as much as adults do. They are going through several changes, let them explain things and discuss without any hesitation and fear. Express your feeling and let them work on a solution. Be polite and flexible and adjust sometimes because they will learn through your reaction your behavior and the way you deal with your problem.

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