Unconditional love is something very secret to love someone without having any expectations. If someone loving anyone without any grievances it means it is unconditional love, and the love between a parent and the child is very special as it wants nothing but the happiness of the child. A child can be self-motivated to several life skills when their natural curiosity is supported and encouraged properly and tend to do things simply because they enjoy doing them. A school helps a child to grow and develop in the right direction not only academically but to learn several skills. The relation between parents and the child is very unique. The bond between a father or mother and her child starts right from the first day or maybe during the pregnancy period itself. Because they feel the presence of their child and a mother knows every likes and dislike of the child. As for the father, like the mother, they feel the presence of their child, and slowly they become each other needs and requirements and each other friends. The child indeed completes the family. Indeed, fathers who were involved with the child in their early days had better bonds later in their life. Thus it is always very much important to spend time with your family and especially with the child and know about him from the beginning itself.

At the same time, unconditional love can be threatening 

Sometimes in terms of giving them, love may provide too much freedom to the kids. Parents should give their children the tools to achieve their goals. This leads to qualities such as hard work and patience, perseverance. Parents love their children unconditionally and naturally; spending quality time with them is part of showing this love. Spending time with children and sometimes listening to them is something mood refreshing and mood-lifting kind of thing. The more time and effort you put into your relationship, the stronger the bonding will be. Even though it is very good to spend more time with them, you must consider or think about their age before talking to them about any topic. Teens might need some privacy, while small kids always like to have parental interference and interaction. You have to understand what your children expect you to do to improve the relationship.

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